thermal creep inducing swirl






Welcome to the home page of the 2024 Dusty Plasma Workshop!

This will be the 16th workshop of the series on the physics and applications of dusty plasmas. The workshop will be hosted at University of Minnesota, MN, USA. Details on previous workshops in this series can be accessed here.

The abstract submission is officially closed, but you can still submit a late abstract for a poster presentation.

The workshop registration is open.

We invite you to join us for an exciting meeting covering all aspects of dusty plasmas, including:

  • Basic physics of dusty plasma
  • Experimental studies of dusty plasmas
  • Theoretical and computational studies of dusty plasmas
  • Astrophysical and atmospheric dusty plasmas
  • Microgravity dusty plasma experiments
  • Magnetized dusty plasmas
  • Industrial and research applications of dusty plasmas
  • Particle synthesis involving plasmas
  • and more

Contact: [email protected]